Earning PDUs

"Earning Acceptable PDUs is Easier Than You Think!"

Certified professionals, earning 75 PDUs over a 3-year period is quite simple. Realizing the different backgrounds, locations, and involvements of the potential pool of certified professionals, a myriad of acceptable avenues were outlined early in the development of the program to ensure that AAFCS-certified professionals would be able to maintain their certification status... easily.

Are you aware that PDUs can be earned for academic courses, competitive educational fellowships, continuing education, design competitions, educational travel, juried exhibitions, exhibits, professional meetings/in-service programs/workshops, poster sessions and curriculum showcases, post baccalaureate internships, all sorts of publications, and preapproved (by the Office of Certification) self studies?

For a complete list of opportunities to earn PDUs please click here.

As revealed by this listing, earning acceptable PDUs is easier than you think!

And now there is a new way to earn PDUs--the Webinar Training Pass!

With the Training Pass, you receive 24/7 access to AAFCS' library of 60+ webinars, each worth 1/1.5 PDUs! As an AAFCS certified professional, you also qualify for a special price. Email certification@aafcs.org for your promo code.

Learn details about the Training Pass!