Certification Reporting Process/Forms


The PDU reporting process is designed to allow the AAFCS-certified professional to report professional development units (PDUs) incrementally at any time during the cycle or once during their three-year cycle, if submitting paper reports.

Electronic PDU Reporting
PDUs can be reported online incrementally throughout the certification cycle.

  • To access the online reporting system and to view a summary of PDUs reported in the cycle to date, you will need to log into MyAAFCS (in the upper right hand corner). Please use your existing log in credentials to access the MyAAFCS portal. If you are unsure of your login information, please contact AAFCS.
  • From the MyAAFCS menu, select the option "Professional Exams and Certifications;" from the next menu, select "Report PDUs Earned and View PDU Transcript". Choose the ONLINE entry option and instructions are provided for the entry of PDU activities.

Hardcopy PDU Reporting

  • At least 75 PDUs are reported once during a three-year cycle.
  • PDU Reporting Forms may be submitted anytime during a three-year cycle.
  • Paper PDU Reporting Forms will be returned if PDUs are below 75, with the exception of those who are in the process of completing their current cycle and have previously reported a portion of their total.

The PDU Reporting Form is not dated and may be duplicated and used from cycle to cycle. Forms can be submitted anytime during the cycle as long as 75 PDUs have been recorded. Both forms are available by fax, e-mail and on this website. If you have questions please contact the Office of Certification at (703) 706-4604.

PDU Reporting Form Guidelines

  1. Include your name, address, daytime telephone number, AAFCS ID number, employer's name and employment position on the PDU Reporting Form.
  2. List the PDUs that you have completed during this current cycle. All listed activities must have been completed by August 31st of your cycle ending year.
  3. For each listed activity, you must include the following information:
    1. activity date (month, day, and year), include range of dates if more than one day;
    2. complete sponsor name (no acronyms, no abbreviations);
    3. activity title;
    4. brief description of the activity (If activity has been pre-approved, no description is required so simply enter the pre-approval number provided by the activity sponsor); and
    5. number of PDUs.
  4. Total the PDUs recorded on this form.
  5. Sign the Reporting Form.
  6. Make a copy of your completed form before mailing. You may submit your report at any time in your 3-year cycle, when you have completed at least 75 PDUs for reporting. It may, or may not, be submitted at the same time you are submitting certification renewal fees. If not accompanying the renewal fees, the report should be emailed to PDU@aafcs.org or mailed to: 400 N. Columbus St. Ste. 202 Alexandria, VA. 22314.
  7. Do not send documentation at this time!
  8. You are required to retain all documents for six months after the completion of the three-year certification cycle. The documents should verify the content, duration and your participation in the PDU activities recorded.
  9. Illegible or incomplete reports cannot be processed.

PDU Reporting Form Checklist

Did you:

  • Include your name, address, daytime telephone number, AAFCS ID number, employer, and job title?
  • List the exact dates, complete sponsor's name, activity title, and number of PDUs for each activity?
  • Sign your form?

Sponsoring a Professional Development Activity? Submit Pre-Approval Application to Have Activty Approved to Offer PDUs


  1. All applications must be received 2 (two) weeks prior to the activity date. If any applications are received less than two weeks prior to the activity date, there is no assurance notification of approval will be received, by the applicant, before the starting date of the activity. Note: This does not constitute denial of PDUs; the activity may be included on the individual Certification Reporting Form of each year.
  2. Documentation of all PDU activities verifying content, time break-down and /or date of publication MUST be attached (such as an agenda or program) to the application. Verifying documents include, but are not limited to, professional meeting agendas, brochures, articles, title pages, publications and other printed materials documenting content and time of activity. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that an activity meets the guidelines for approved professional development activities.
  3. The application may be submitted by the sponsoring organization of an activity, a representative from a group attending the activity or an individual attending the activity.
  4. List the actual contact hours in which participant(s) engage in this activity - exclusive of breaks, meals, registration, and networking. One PDU per contact hour may be awarded for attendance. However, one-half PDU should be deducted for presentations with a meal function.
  5. All activities submitted for pre-approval should enhance the individual's professional knowledge in the subject matter of family and consumer sciences or develop skills which complement performance as a family and consumer sciences professional.
  6. Any self-study activity must be pre-approved.
  7. See Certification PDU Opportunities for specific activity guidelines.
  8. To submit a PDU Pre-Approval Application: Online Submission through MyAAFCS (Preferred - Please create an account if you do not have a login) or Click here for Paper Submission.

Certification Program Forms

Employer Notification Form
Certification Appeal Inquiry Form

PDU Reporting Form - Hardcopy report of PDUs (Word Format)
PDU Reporting Form - Hardcopy report of PDUs (Excel Format)
PDU Pre-Approval Application - Online Submission through MyAAFCS (Preferred) or Click here for Paper Submission
Request for Certification Extension Form